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Sword of Moonlight
KING'S FIELD Making Tool

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Hi! 2023 speaking. When I started this site in 2011 I thought I would be able to build it out—or find help doing that—but it just hasn’t been possible. So please enjoy this time capsule from more innocent times!

By downloading this we think From Software is cool if you don’t live in Japan, in which case you may want to get a commercial copy from instead. TortoiseSVN is recommended over the following link. But for it you need to “Checkout” and read the set up guide in the Ex section.


Splash screen

This thing can get in your way if you click on it in the Windows taskbar you will have to minimize it from the taskbar to make it go away again.

Sword of Moonlight splash screen

Main menu

SOM_MAIN presents 4 possibilities:

New Project, create a skeleton of a project somewhere on your network file system and proceed to edit the project.

Open Project, continue editing a project somewhere on your network file system. Provided you can remember where you put it.

Author Work, or “Create Runtime” is a new script editor that makes writing and translation easy, but it’s not very tested. The old CD-locked system is now under its save system, as an option, but it’s recommended, as it had always had problems.

Exit, or how to close SOM. Note, this link goes back to the front page block. Also in the Windows taskbar there’s an icon with an Exit option that closes down all SOM apps at once.

Sword of Moonlight main menu

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Site wide search powered by YaCy*

Sword of Moonlight
KING'S FIELD Making Tool

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Hi! 2023 speaking. When I started this site in 2011 I thought I would be able to build it out—or find help doing that—but it just hasn’t been possible. So please enjoy this time capsule from more innocent times!

By downloading this we think From Software is cool if you don’t live in Japan, in which case you may want to get a commercial copy from instead. TortoiseSVN is recommended over the following link. But for it you need to “Checkout” and read the set up guide in the Ex section.


Splash screen

This thing can get in your way if you click on it in the Windows taskbar you will have to minimize it from the taskbar to make it go away again.

Sword of Moonlight splash screen

Main menu

SOM_MAIN presents 4 possibilities:

New Project, create a skeleton of a project somewhere on your network file system and proceed to edit the project.

Open Project, continue editing a project somewhere on your network file system. Provided you can remember where you put it.

Author Work, or “Create Runtime” is a new script editor that makes writing and translation easy, but it’s not very tested. The old CD-locked system is now under its save system, as an option, but it’s recommended, as it had always had problems.

Exit, or how to close SOM. Note, this link goes back to the front page block. Also in the Windows taskbar there’s an icon with an Exit option that closes down all SOM apps at once.

Sword of Moonlight main menu

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