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Exit: Sword of Moonlight Archive

Rathmor project w/ Ex teaser demo!!

Thursday, December 27th, 2012 by Holey Moley at

Exit: Merry xmas etc.

Alas a December release is not in the cards for SomEx.dll (ver. but you can try out a new demonstration of a Sword of Moonlight game in the works tentatively entitled “Rathmor” incorporating a “nightly build” of the update.

What happened? Well everything is ready. Except a last minute performance killing bug in the GNU (for Win32) libintl library reared its head. A workaround will be found before what will hopefully be an early New Year’s 2013 release.

The demo is a standalone game, however it includes all original artwork (so that you will not have to download anything much that already comes with SOM.)

Rathmor’s demo does not use libintl. But a second bug (one of SOM’s) can make the demo difficult for some users. Follow the “Forum Discussion” link below to obtain the 150MB (288MB expanded) download, information, and updates!

Forum Discussion

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