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Sword of Moonlight

You can now use this Patreon link to support Sword of Moonlight. There is also an essay in there that’s worth giving a look.*

* If you do decide to pledge, know that there is a $0.30 credit card fee when you are billed once a month. So if you only pledge $1.00 per month, only $0.70 will get through. If you pledge $1.00 to two (or more) different fund drives then the $0.30 is split between them.

* The accounts that you pledge into are paid out at the end of the month if there is more than $100 in the account. Approximately 5% goes to Patreon, and 2% comes out of the pledge on top of the $0.30 flat fee.

* I used to have some info about PayPal tradeoffs below, but I removed them from other sites, and now recommend going to and donating via its Download button instead.

June 14 2021: Here I learned I can make a simple Paypal donation system ( and a button, etc. should appear below.

PayPal donation button

PayPal donation QR codeNote, on Patreon I’m really interested in showing numbers of patrons more than money, and I don’t have much use for money IRL, but still if you want you can always send me some through this link if that’s your preference. I certainly won’t put your donation to waste. A “vow of poverty” sums up my life. Update: I currently need money to travel/move, and I have schizophrenia now.

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Site wide search powered by YaCy*

Sword of Moonlight

You can now use this Patreon link to support Sword of Moonlight. There is also an essay in there that’s worth giving a look.*

* If you do decide to pledge, know that there is a $0.30 credit card fee when you are billed once a month. So if you only pledge $1.00 per month, only $0.70 will get through. If you pledge $1.00 to two (or more) different fund drives then the $0.30 is split between them.

* The accounts that you pledge into are paid out at the end of the month if there is more than $100 in the account. Approximately 5% goes to Patreon, and 2% comes out of the pledge on top of the $0.30 flat fee.

* I used to have some info about PayPal tradeoffs below, but I removed them from other sites, and now recommend going to and donating via its Download button instead.

June 14 2021: Here I learned I can make a simple Paypal donation system ( and a button, etc. should appear below.

PayPal donation button

PayPal donation QR codeNote, on Patreon I’m really interested in showing numbers of patrons more than money, and I don’t have much use for money IRL, but still if you want you can always send me some through this link if that’s your preference. I certainly won’t put your donation to waste. A “vow of poverty” sums up my life. Update: I currently need money to travel/move, and I have schizophrenia now.

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