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Well that's cool.
The gist of the game I'm building is much like Battlespire, if you've ever played it, and I plan on making it rather large.
Hm. I did notice the skies are a little funky, but to be honest, those look much nicer, glitches and all. Anyways, I had alot more custom junk than I thought. Here you go.Please mind my very very very rough start. Just fiddling with the tools and getting a feel.
[Editor]language_pack_to_use = Old English;Read text/English.txt for download instructions.;Place the language pack (do not unzip) in the text folder.;It will be used automatically if it's the only one.;Otherwise you can select the one you prefer below.;language_pack_to_use = Old English;do_hide_direct3d_hardware_devices = yes;default_pixel_value = 00fclip_volume_multiplier = 0.5texture_subsamples = 2[Folder];If you've been working with Som much prior to 2012 or so;you'll probably want to point your Ex enabled install to your;working data folder (from your previous Som install)alternative_data_folder = C:\Program files\Sword of Moonlight\data;Same deal with your tool folder if you have anything special in ;there, or don't want to use the available language packs.alternative_tool_folder = C:\Program files\Sword of Moonlight\data
Prison of Darkness[Locale]do_use_builtin_english_by_defaultdo_use_builtin_locale_date_format[Window]do_not_hide_window_on_startupwindow_title_to_use = Prison of Darknessdo_force_fullscreen_inside_windowdo_scale_640x480_modes_to_settingdo_auto_pause_window_while_inactivedirectx_version_to_use_for_window = 9shader_model_to_use = 3;shader_compatability_level = 0;do_force_refresh_on_vertical_blank;do_force_immediate_vertical_refresh [Option]do_stdo_aa;do_logdo_wasddo_mousedo_pausedo_cursordo_escapedo_mipmapsdo_ditherdo_smoothdo_invertdo_fogdo_lightsdo_ambientdo_hdrdo_soundsdo_bpp;do_highcolordo_anisotropy;obsoletedo_bobdo_swaydo_dashdo_walkdo_pedaldo_red[Detail]escape_analog_modes = uzxy-y, xzuv-v[Analog]error_allowance = 0.02error_allowance2 = 0.04error_tolerance = 0.1error_clearance = 0.2[Player]player_character_radius = 0.375[Adjust]fov_frustum_multiplier = 1.2pc_walk_speed_multiplier = 0.5pc_dash_speed_multiplier = 0.5[Script];status_fonts_height = 50;status_fonts_to_use = 200% 100[Bugfix]do_fix_any_trivial = yesdo_fix_any_nontrivial = yes[Output]function_overlay_mask = c0function_overlay_tint = fe0function_overlay_contrast = 000do_missing_file_dialog_ok
I am pretty sure I know what it is now. Yet another bug. Probably because I totally reworked the sky stuff to radically simplify it a little while back after spending some time with one of SOM's bugs that proved quite revelatory. Apparently I broke many things in the process. Good finds
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