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Author Topic: SONY owns Demon's Souls (assuming Dark too)  (Read 6360 times)

Holey Moley

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Holey Moley says,
« on: November 25, 2013, 09:43:17 AM »

I just came across this link:

Q: Sony owns the Demon’s Souls IP. What are you going to do with it?

A: We never sell our IPs. Well, I should never say never, but it’s not our business. Our business is to grow our IP and we love Demon’s Souls. From Software is a very important business partner, so we’ll see.

Actually, I got there from here ( which is interesting too, but not really.

It's kind of weird that after all these years From' is becoming a bit of a darling, even while their games are technically getting worse in terms of outright quality. Or at least, Dark Souls can't hold a candle to King's Field.

Still I wonder what the ramifications could conceivably be down the road if From was to end up a de facto division of a behemoth like Sony.

Armored Core V failed to find a real audience, even after it was given the whole Demon's Souls treatment. I don't know of any other games that From' does really. It's interesting to see though that the mainstream gaming audience is only beginning to figure out the real value of From Software. I've recognized this forever of course...

The same can be said for Atlus. These were the only companies still making (traditional) video games after the mainstreaming of video games. It seems like their sticktoitiveness might finally be paying out dividends.

Unfortunately their product has been so adulterated, while beginning to obtain the recognition that they always deserved, the actual output has had to suffer like everything else.

There were about three titles on the PS3 that I actually played. If you crunch the numbers, and current trends continue, that means the PS4 should having something like 0.1 games that will be worth playing. So it's not even worth browsing through the catalog at this point.

I just wonder what it might mean for Sword of Moonlight at this point if From' merged with Sony. Would Sony throw its weight around. I hope not. But behemoths are known for their senselessness :rolleyes:

PS: Doesn't it seem weird that Sony owns From's IP? I'm guessing this is as a good a reason to guess that we won't be seeing a From' kissed King's Field game ever again as any.
Formerly "Holy Diver" ("Holy") [Holy will be back as soon as I'm back to full form]

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